Saturday, May 07, 2005

College has it goin' on let me tell you.

Within the next 6 days I must write 50+ pages. Five classes have writing assignments. And here I sit, twiddling my thumbs and wasting away online.

Crap I should get to work, shouldn't I?

my thesis in a nutshell: digital divide's adverse effects on the citizenship duties (and rights) of the underclasses of America.

basically the media has failed. It has failed to inform the public. It has failed to provide an appropriate (free and accessible) forum for the public. And we as a society are suffering. We as citizens of a democracy are being shorted. What is left? Alternative media. Media by the people, for the people. But even independent and DIY media faces issues with access. There are many populations that cannot gain access -- one reason being the "digital divide".

It is my opinion that the lack of technological connectivity in communities across the country only perpetuates the cycle of ignorance and alienation -- because voices are still not being heard. Whose voices? The voices of minorities. The marginalized groups in society that find no place in the white man's media. And without the technological "know how," without computers or the internet for starters, how are these populations supposed to involve themselves and keep up with the technological revolution? And what's more: the vast amounts of information to be found online, free of charge, could help people of all ages educate themselves.

The internet, with its blogs and news sources, is fast becoming the best way to stay informed. We can no longer depend on the mainstream media to tell us what is really going on, we are on our own. But not until all members of society have access to information, will we be able to take back the presses.

okay i just rambled for a bit. hope that made sense!

time to get down to business.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Your ramble was right on. The informationally disenfranchised have very little resources with which to create their own or receive beneficial independent media. I would strongly suggest the next phase for socio-economic uplift include high-speed computer labs in affordable housing, media rooms in the community centers with which to produce news and wholesome entertainment and super affordable government and public access cable franshise agreements. We cannot allow the underpriveledged to be denied access to basic, unbiased, non-commercial information.